Basement Page
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Facing North, you are seeing two "garden" windows and the opening for the sliding door of the Garden Room which is situated in the SouthWest corner of the basement.

Moving to the right a little, you can see where the garage door opening will be. Notice the stack of blocks. This is Rastra™ Block. This material is made of concrete and recycled styrofoam beads. After the blocks are all in place, they will be filled with rebar and concrete.

To learn more about Rastra Block, click on this link to the manufcturer's website:

The crew is hanging the second of two steel beams. You can see the first beam in the background below the second beam.

Each beam is 60' long, weighs three tons, extends 6' beyond the front of the foundation to support the front porch, and extends 10' beyond the foundation in back to support a deck.

Looking northeast from the downhill side of the foundation you get a better view of the steel beams protruding 10' beyond the foundation wall to support a deck.
Looking west you can see the workers installing a sea of joists. We chose to use specially-engineered "truss joists" because of their strength, light weight, and the space they provide for plumbing and electrical wiring without compromising any of the strength.
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